A cause for hesitation, anxiety, depression, all the emotionally challenging thoughts. This sentence has killed many dreams. Children distancing themselves from parents or society is because of this sentence. Yes! judgmental people everywhere.

I am not against anyone. I just want people to understand this. Most of you have a fear of what will people say about you, your children or family if they are not doing something according to society’s way.

The fear of this sentence, this judgement has increased so much that people who go through rough times hesitate and are not able to complain and they keep tolerating unnecessary stuff.

Dear readers,
You should know and understand that people poking their nose, commenting and judging you, your children and family is also not appropriate.
We have the right to freedom and we have the right to take up any activity, anything in career or anything in life.
Who are people to judge? Who are they to comment?
You know what? Sometimes I feel like directly telling people that I only accept compliments and not their nasty comments.

And also I think maybe our parents have the habit of forcing this on us just because they have gone through this. Please do not pressurize someone in this way. As a result of this, Children will lose their ability to think by themselves. Let them make their own lives. Let them do what they want to or what makes them happy. I am sure it will not be that inappropriate.

Many children give up on their dreams just because it does not fit into their society’s rules. We do not have to fit in. Many people also attempt suicide because they are under the pressure of “what will people say? ” if they fail. We should live life according to our rules.

Sounds rude right?


Dear Humans,
Society will never keep quiet. So If you keep explaining everything to everyone, then probably you are wasting a lifetime in just explaining yourself to every single person, you will have regrets that you did not live your life to its fullest.

Live your life for yourself. To satisfy yourself. And to make yourself happy. Take up anything you want to. Any job will suit you. Did not get good grades? Try next time Buddy! You can do anything. You are amazing. And if you keep thinking about what people will say, you will never find peace within yourself.

So, Love yourself and find peace within yourself. 

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