Motivation | Types of Motivation You Need to Know About

Helping You Reach Your Goals


Motivation? How is that important? It is the key to be successful in everything you do in life!

Without being motivated, you cannot drive to achieve the goals you desire for.

If you are thinking to accomplish your goals and you need help, you are surely at the right place! Let us explore how this is important also let us explore the types of motivations that make it possible for us to witness our dreams come true.

Types of Motivations:

 1. Intrinsic Motivation

This is where a person can stay motivated because of his/her internal desires to achieve something in life.

When a person aims to change himself/herself for better and when that desire comes from within, this is said to be intrinsic motivation.

2. Extrinsic Motivation

This is where a person is motivated by the help of external desires. For example, if someone is pushing and forcing you to achieve that goal. In this type, the person may sometimes feel pressurized.

3. Incentive or Reward-Based Motivation

This is when you know that there is a reward after achieving your goal. As you will be excited to achieve the reward after the completion of a task, you will become more determined and finish the task to receive what was promised.

4. Fear-Based Motivation

Fear has a very negative connotation; but in this case, it is not. A person who sets their goals knows that being responsible is also very important.

When you become accountable, you will care about it; and you will stay motivated to avoid failure. The fear of failure will help you to carry out the vision so that you do not fail in front of people who know about our targets or goals.

This type of provocation is extremely powerful because the fear will avoid us from quitting.

5. Achievement-Based Motivation

Titles, positions, and roles in the workplace and other areas of our lives are really important to most of usThose who constantly aim to acquire these positions and want to earn titles for themselves are usually dealing with achievement-based motivation.

People who have incentive motivation to concentrate on the rewards that come after a goal is accomplished but those who use achievement-based motivation focus on reaching a goal for the sake of achievement.

Those who are in need of a boost in their professional life will surely find achievement-based motivation extremely helpful.

6. Power-Based Motivation

Those who find happiness and satisfaction by becoming more powerful or creating enormous change will strongly be fuelled by power-based motivation.

Power-based motivation boosts others to seek more control, typically by the use of positions in organizations or employment.

If you want to make changes, power-based motivation may just be your type.

7. Affiliation Motivation

People often say that it is not what we do but who we know that will dictates our success. For people driven by this type, it is mostly true.

Those who use affiliation motivation helps one to meet their goals and prosper when they connect with other people in higher power positions than them.

They also grow vigorously when those people compliment the work that they do as well as appreciate their achievements.

This is a great force to help you achieve your social goals and move forward in life.

8. Competence Motivation

Do you ever want to be better at anything you do? For example, getting perfection in your current job? If so, competence motivation may help you in improving or modifying yourself.

This type helps people to push forward and become more competent in some areas of life.

This type is really helpful when it comes to learning and excelling in new skills and figuring out ways around obstacles in different aspects of life.

9. Attitude Motivation

A problem with your attitude, perspectives, and beliefs is a major issue that many of you face. It can become a problem on the path that you move throughout to the point that you begin to lose your happiness and satisfaction and miss out on your dreams.

For the people who are losing out on life because of their attitude, this kind of impulse will help you to recover and move forward without many problems in life.

Attitude motivation is a type of stimulation that comes to those who strongly desire to change the way how they see the world around them and the way that they view themselves in. Goals that are associated with self-awareness, self-love and self-change will be achieved with this type.

Author’s Note – How Motivation Drives You:

Motivation is vital if you want to achieve your goals and dreams. Using the categories mentioned above, nothing can stand in the way of you and your goals. You can achieve all your goals with a spark.

Staying motivated important; I mentioned the above types so that you can help yourself in discovering and knowing about yourself and help yourself in achieving your goals.

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