TOXIC PEOPLE. HELLO DEAR VIEWERS! HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL! Let me tell something you keep ignoring in your busy daily life. Maybe you need to get rid of some negative people or if your heart feels heavy, do read this article and recognize the problematic area of life.


A toxic person is a person who give you negative vibes and discourages you just to make your life miserable. Someone who cannot see you happy and succeeding in life. Some people want to take you down just to make themselves feel better and try to talk you out of your dreams. They cannot be happy for your success, happiness, and good fortune, and want to put you down and make you feel low for no reason. Toxic people only know hypocrisy. They play mind games and always suck up your energy.



When you get to know about something about someone, you naturally tend to pass on that information to your friends, which is called gossiping. But when you talk, remember everyone is not your friend. Some people gossip with you and as soon as you leave, they gossip about you. Haters will keep gossiping. When you share random information about yourself, gossipers will add up a fake story to it and may spread rumors about you. These people are drama magnets and will make you uncomfortable. It is not you; it is a result of their insecurity.


These people appear very kind and friendly at first, but they are delusional when it comes to trust. They are pretty good liars and excellent manipulators. Want to take the credit and give the blame. They are egoistic and do not apologize for their mistakes especially after the fight. These people lack empathy and only care about themselves. They think that they are better than everyone else around them.


These people are clingy emotionally and also emotionally very manipulative. They seek attention, sympathy and emotional support, and satisfaction. When they are satisfied, they leave you. They tend to enter and leave you as per their convenience like every other toxic person.


The victims are emotional clingers who always blame others for their misfortune. Everything bad happens “to” them. They say they are always right and refuse to take the responsibility for the situation. They keep talking about their excuse for failing instead of moving on. Playing the victim card to get out of difficult situations. Seeking attention and sympathy is all they do. They are extremely manipulative people.


A person who has control issues and may also dictate you. If you are not careful, they may also control your thoughts. They always want to be right and can also be sneaky sometimes. They have an obsessive, compulsive need to make you listen to what they say and make you do it.


You know who is a liar. Simply a person who will lie to you, for your, about you. Trusting them is stupid. Some people are toxic compulsive liars and they can lie how much ever they can just to make you like them or listen to them. Manipulating becomes very easy for them and they continue to breach your trust without feeling guilty. Little do you know, most people around you or in your friend circle are liars and are toxic. Many are backstabbers. They are secretly full of rage and jealousy and want to cause you harm.

It is better to cut off such people from your life in order to avoid drama. They will take away your energy, give you bad vibes and make you doubt yourself. Such people are bad for your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional health. It is mere waste of time and energy to deal with such people.

Heal yourself, love yourself and find peace within yourself!

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