
Did you ever come across a word called independence? 

What do you think? 

Your country’s independence? 

Your independence? 

Financial independence? 

Are you independent? 

You think just taking your own decisions and not being dependent on another person right? or having your own job or set up?

But actually, 

Reality is Independence means not just being independent of someone financially or while taking decisions or having your own job or living in your own house/bungalow. 

Independence means being independent of something or someone in emotional, spiritual and mental aspects. 

Because when you are dependent on someone mentally or emotionally, you automatically let them take your own decisions and somehow you are dependent on them. 

Some of you might be thinking that you might look cold or aloof. 

No, my friend, it does not turn you cold. 

Because, if that person on whom you are dependent leaves you one day, you will suffer. 

You will feel that you have been left out in cold and all you will do is cry and regret. By doing so you will just end up hurting yourself. 

I might sound negative. 

But according to many people feel that priorities change, people change. Even if people do not leave you intentionally or do not have the intention to hurt you, they have to leave. They have their own lives. 

See for example, if you are dependent on your best friend and they are available for you for 24  hrs a day now, after they get into a relationship or get married or a job maybe they will not be available for you every single time you need them. 

You will try to find another friend or partner to make yourself feel better. 

And if you do not get a company, then you will be depressed. 


Why be dependent on other? 

Take up new hobbies. Go on an adventure. If you are a writer or artist, come up with something amazing. Keep praying. Meditate. Read books. Increase your will power. Try to overcome your insecurities or weaknesses. Come up with a new plan or a new startup. And do not forget to read my posts. 

Dependence is dangerous. Be independent mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. 

Be independent and find peace within yourself!!!

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