Sabotage means destroying or undermining something, often in a covert way. The word self-sabotage can be used when this destructive behavior is directed at yourself.  At first, you may not even notice what you are doing. Later these negative habits may become a reason for all your efforts going in vain. Self-sabotage erodes your self-esteem and self-confidence and will have an impact on your relationship with others. With every failed task or attempt, your mind will keep telling you not to try.

Self-sabotage can be seen in several forms but some examples are very common and recurring ones in our daily lives

Let us take a look at some of the self-sabotaging habits:

Self-sabotage is a result of negative self-talk. You may keep telling yourself that you are not worthy and you are not good enough

Eventually, you might forget the deadline at work and start being late every day.

You will develop a habit of procrastination, which also is a form of self-sabotage.

Another example is when you start a project and you are unable to finish it because you think it is a big deal to be successful in this task. It may be difficult for you to proceed and you lose exciting opportunities. It will become a burden for you to be consistent in work.

All this negativity will be due to a lack of self-esteem. A feeling of unworthiness or incompetence, when you believe that you do not deserve success, and even hate yourself for not being good enough. You may overthink about what if I fail or what if I make a fool out of myself in front of people by not succeeding. I say not trying is worse than falling and failing. Do not worry about what will people say.

You fail in several ways when you sabotage yourself. It takes away your potential, your confidence and you will be falling short of opportunities and goals. It can portray you as an uncommitted, irresponsible, unreliable, timid, and lazy person at your workplace which can damage your reputation.

You tend to start picking up unnecessary fights with your loved ones. And you may have a hard time expressing your feelings, especially when sad. You may become passive-aggressive.



First, you need to recognize your destructive habits and stop yourself from repeating them. Think about your goals and make a plan to accomplish them. Set up a reward for when you accomplish them you can treat yourself with that reward. Do what motivates you.

Understand what is the reason that leads to this type of behavior. What feelings or emotions are leading to this?

Identify what may trigger you and avoid such triggers. Sometimes there may be some people who want to cause some triggers because they cannot see you happy or they cannot see you moving ahead in life and want to pull you down by provoking you. Avoid that toxic environment.

Practice self-love and nurture yourself. Tell yourself and believe that you are worthy of all the good things in life and you deserve them. Set up boundaries for yourself.

Remember the times when you accomplished your goals and were content. Similarly, picture your future. And keep affirming that you will be successful in all your tasks. Take action only when you are having a positive mindset and you will be successful.

Take responsibility for your actions and life and accept that you cannot control everything.

Love yourself and find peace within yourself!

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