Reminder: You are where you are supposed to be

Reminder: You are where you are supposed to be  

This is a reminder that you are where you are supposed to be. It does not matter where you were yesterday, last week, or last year. Today is an opportunity to be a better version of yourself. So, if you have made any mistakes in the past, stop replaying them in your head. It will just make you suffer. Your past does not define your life. Stop setting a timeline for your life’s events. It is never too late to make brand new choices, to change your perspective from negative to positive or from impossible to possible, to take a risk, and to be happy.  


If you stop focusing on what you have lost or what was taken away and shift your focus to what you have right now and be grateful, you will be happier than you were yesterday. So, do not be hard on yourself and trust your journey. Feeling lost, confused, or even frustrated is all part of the process. All you must do is to not give up. You will eventually figure it all out, and everything will make sense. It is okay if you feel scared and do not know what to do next.

If you are in a bad place right now, remember it is temporary. And by the time you reach your destination, you will be more powerful and patient than you were ever before. The road to success is not an easy one, but you must keep your eyes open to all the possibilities of life in this journey that feels uncertain.  

So, continue to give your best. There may be days when you feel that your work is in vain. But think of all your unappreciated or unrecognized work as seeds sown. It will come as a reward for you in the future.

Every experience in life, good or bad, will eventually lead you to your destination. Do not forget how far you have already come. Think about where you were last year at this time. Remember all the times when you thought you could do it and you accomplished all your tasks? And someday you will look back at where you are right now and smile at how far you have come and how much you have accomplished in life.


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