In today’s world, Health and wellness have become a trending topic. People are taking a lot of interest in becoming the best versions of themselves, and a major part of that is investing their energy to support the eight pillars of mental health and well-being. These eight pillars include: physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental.

What Are the 8 Pillars of Health and Wellness?

The idea of how to incorporate the eight pillars into your daily routine might sound daunting as you begin your journey of wellness. But you may already be using at least a few of these pillars. We will break down each pillar and give you actionable steps to implement them in your life.

1. Physical

Physical wellness includes not just regular physical activity. But there are many other aspects that make up holistic physical wellness, including maintaining health hygiene and healthy sleeping patterns.

Adults ages 18 to 64 must get between seven and nine hours of sleep at night and adults over 65 must get seven to eight hours. You can help yourself get a better night’s sleep by turning off your electronic devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime. Using blackout curtains and white-noise machines to block light and sound also works as you try to fall asleep.

When it comes to hygiene, practicing proper habits will not only make you healthier but also build your confidence. Bathing regularly, trimming your nails, washing your hands, and properly sanitizing are all important when it comes to the physical pillar of wellness.


Brush your teeth twice and use mouthwash once a day. We have all heard the importance of brushing our teeth from our parents growing up and from dentists. Brushing with proper technique is also important.

2. Nutritional

Nutrition is such an important component of overall health that it is represented in its own pillar. Make sure you are eating a balanced diet as it is essential to build this pillar in your life. A diet mixed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products is essential. It is also recommended that adults steer away from foods that are high in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars.

Every person’s dietary needs are different depending on their age, sex, activity level, and body type. Check with your dietician to find a diet plan that works for you.

Food and nutrition are closely linked with your oral cavity and the health of your teeth. There are certain foods that are not great for your teeth, and health and can even stain them. Some foods that are acidic, dark or bright-colored, drinks filled with tannins, and foods that have high sugar levels all have the ability to stain your teeth. Regulate your intake of these foods and drinks as it will help to keep your mouth healthy. 


Replace refined grains with their whole counterparts to make sure you are getting enough fiber. Make sure your diet has enough fiber that can help with weight loss and maintenance and can also lower your cholesterol levels.

3. Emotional

The emotional wellness pillar includes your feelings, as well to understand and navigate your emotions and also communicate them with other people. We all experience hardships and the emotions that come with them. But our ability to evaluate how these emotions impact our behaviors is also an important aspect of our wellness.

Being in control of your feelings and emotions and being aware of how they can impact your relationships is an essential part of your overall holistic wellness. If you ever feel out of control when it comes to your emotions or communicating them, it might be a good idea to talk with someone who helps you to build this pillar in your life.


Make journaling a part of your daily routine. Even when everything is going right, journaling can help you in reflecting on the parts of your life that bring you happiness and parts that do not. It can also be a great way to express feelings you might not feel comfortable talking about.

4. Social

Social wellness includes our connections and relationships with others. Humans are social beings by nature. Building positive relationships with other people, this pillar of wellness may also include the ability to resolve any type of conflict that arises in a healthy and respectful manner. 

Healthy friendships and relationships create a stronger support system to reach out to when hardships arise. Building and maintaining relationships takes a lot of dedication but they will surely continue to serve you throughout your life.


Schedule check-in calls with friends you do not get to see that often.


5. Spiritual

The spiritual pillar is unique to each person and their spirituality. Spirituality helps to give people a sense of purpose and meaning in their life, which, in turn, helps guide actions.

Most people build this pillar with the help of meditation, prayer, or other means of strengthening a connection with a higher power. Just like social wellness, spiritual wellness is an important part of life that helps us work through difficult times and develop strength when we face obstacles in life.


Practice meditation. Try this for two to five minutes and repeat daily.

6. Intellectual

Intellectual wellness is developed by opening yourself up to experiences that challenge your thought process. Developing curiosity for knowledge long after formal education has ended is a good way to form new skills and interests throughout your life. This can be as simple as having interesting, intellectual conversations with friends and family or setting aside to play brain puzzles like crosswords or Sudoku.


Join a book club. Becoming a part of a reading group.

7. Financial

Financial wellness is the pillar dedicated to living within your means and planning for your future. It can be quite difficult to start developing this pillar, but you will be glad that you did. Being financially well can have an effect on several other pillars, such as physical and emotional wellness, as money troubles can take a toll on any person’s mind and body.


Save a fixed amount of money each month for the things you value most in life, whether that is money for dining out or saving toward a vacation.

8. Environmental

Environmental wellness means how you deal with your surroundings and the community you live and work in. This may involve respecting the environment you live in by trying your best to support it however you can. This might also include recycling or volunteering to clean up a city park that you frequently visit.


Try to visit nearby places on a bike or by walking instead of using the car. Planting trees as much as you can and keeping your surroundings clean is the basic and the most important part of this pillar.

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