Misconceptions about feminism are many. Feminism is a movement that was started for empowering women. To support women who are suppressed and abused. Those women who are a victim of social evils like sati, domestic violence especially in dowry cases. And also who do not have equal rights to that of men at workplaces. It is about demanding freedom, liberty in all aspects.


Misconceptions about feminism 

Feminism suppresses men:

The most common and popular misconception about feminism is that feminism talks about suppressing men. The answer is a big NO. It is not about suppressing men but empowering women, which are not the same. Feminism is not misandry. Feminism is not detrimental to men. It is not about men vs women, it is women against all the suppression, shaming, and discouragement. It is just about women demanding gender equality. So, if you think that feminism is about misandry, then probably you are one of the people who are suppressing them and you do not support justice, and that is not something to be proud of. PERIOD.

All feminists are lesbians:

This is also an issue that needs to come into light. Women empowering and supporting women is great but questioning someone’s sexuality based on their mindset is very shallow. And even if some feminists are lesbians, they are humans too and they also have the right to equality which is a fundamental right.

Only females must support feminism:

You do not have to be a female to support feminism. So, you can support feminism even if you are a man. It all starts with you and your mindset. You can be the one to help in eliminating patterns like patriarchy, female genocide, child marriages, and many more. And even today, some people just feel insecure about supporting feminism.

Feminism kills tradition and cannot be good homemakers:

Feminism does not kill tradition. And yet some people think that feminists are bitter, angry, dominating women who just want to be alone for their entire life. NO. feminists will also marry, have children and family and also ask for equal rights! Some women who are not so carrier oriented and are choosing to be homemakers, will also demand equal rights. Because we choose what we want.

How does asking for equality kill tradition?


Suppressing, hating, and bashing men. Abusing, insulting, and killing them. And it is not about female superiority and matriarchy.

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