Is Women Empowerment dominating men?


Is Women Empowerment dominating men? What is the first thought that comes in your head when you hear the word women empowerment? Are empowering women making men feel bad about themselves? Is Right to Equality and Justice not important? 

Well, here are the answers according to my perspective. The real meaning of Women Empowerment is to make ourselves the best of what we can be.  
 Women empowerment means women standing for their own rights equal to men. Surely, I will not say giving women rights equal to that of men, you do not have to “Give” women their rights. Because women are demanding their own equal rights, we have the Right to Equality. 

Opportunities, provisions as everything that a woman deserves is what she is asking for as a part of empowerment and in this process of earning what she deserves, there is no mention of men. It includes the efforts of promoting the position of women through education, increasing awareness, literacy, and training them in various aspects of life.  
Women’s empowerment is all about women making life-determining conclusions or resolutions through the various problems in society. Women as humans are capable of deciding what they want in life. Women have tolerated a lot through the years at the hands of men.

In olden days, women were treated as if they did not exist.  

Patriarchy was the issue in those days. Back then, Men had all the rights. Only men had the right to vote. The right to take any decision in the household also belonged to men. Women were only there to do household chores and took care of children. Anything that would go wrong in the house was blamed on the women.


But, in this modern world women are taking their own stand to ask for their rights. And it is not something bad or dominating. Even men can support women empowerment. “HE” can also be a feminist. 

Feminist is a person who believes in social, political, economical etc equalities of both the sexes and not just a person who supports women.  

Some narrow-minded misogynists laugh at men who support women. They cannot digest it, and call them as womanizers. 


If men think that women empowerment is something that is dominating them, they do not have enough courage. It means you think that when We, women are equal to you, you feel dominated by us. If in our equality you find injustice, you have low self-esteem. Accepting that women are equal to you will not make you less masculine. 

Be a “MAN” with broad mind.  
 Find Peace within yourself. 

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