Is loving yourself important? YES!

 To recognize your potential, the first thing you need to do is, love yourself! Yes, you read it right; but if you are not doing it by yourself and are lucky enough, someone else may do it for you. Loving someone and being loved by someone can help you realize your qualities as reflected in the other person.

A part of loving yourself is taking care of yourself, so some may argue that if you do not take care of yourself, you cannot take care of others.

I believe that loving yourself is unique —essentially, practically, spiritually, emotionally and ethically from loving others. For most people, the ideal situation is to have both, but I cannot see any reason that you have to love yourself before you can love others.


Here are some benefits of Loving yourself:

1. Loving yourself makes it easier to say “No”

When you love yourself, it becomes easier for you to say no to people and things that do not like or do not feel like doing. You will realize that your time is precious and that can be better spent on doing the things you love. You stand firm in all your decisions without fear of how others will react or without thinking about what will people say.

2.  You can heal yourself

Loving yourself makes you more open to the healing process. You come to terms with the fact that when in life you will get hurt, it does not mean the pain has to last forever. You recognize and accept your emotions and then let them go so that you can move forward in life and fully enjoy living life in the present.

3. Self-love makes it easy to openly communicate with others

Self-love is taking the time out to figure out who you are and what you want in life or in a situation. Once you know this you can have honest conversations with anyone and everyone. You understand that being upfront about how you feel and what you believe can improve your relationships with others. You have standards and are comfortable getting rid of anyone who is taking you for granted.

4. Learning to love yourself avoids you from seeking approval from other people.

When you actually start loving yourself, you will realize that confidence comes from within and that no one can make you feel as good or as happy as yourself. You will not try to impress people. Caring less about others opinion and it gives you the freedom to walk your own path and genuinely be yourself. 

5. You become comfortable with your bad days.

You will understand that every day is not going to be the best day, where you can feel like you can conquer the world. However, instead of grieving in self-pity, you will be able to accept whatever mental and physical state you are in and you can find the light even in the bad days because you know that even in the miserable times there is an opportunity to learn and grow and glow.

6. If you love yourself first, then you know that you can count on yourself first.

When you count on yourself, you limit the number of times you have to depend on other people which eventually limits the number of times they can let you down. You can trust yourself and your ability to be great even when no one else is around to help you or witness and appreciate your hard work. You become your own cheerleader, you can encourage yourself to stay motivated and to break boundaries as you chase your dreams. 

7. Loving yourself allows you to make healthier choices.

When you put yourself first, you will make choices that will only improve your quality of life. You eat better and sleep and exercise more because you realize that taking care of your mental and physical health and well-being are essential to your success. When you look better you feel better, and when you feel better, you eventually do better. 

8. It grants you the gift of forgiveness.

Holding on to grudges will really keep you down. When you love yourself, you have the power of forgiving yourself and others for things that already happened and therefore can no longer control you. You will be able to accept responsibility for your own actions while releasing the blame you place on yourself for the harm others have caused you.

9. Giving yourself love helps you take charge of your own life.

Feeling more in charge of your life comes with realizing the power of your choice. You will choose when and how you want to live your life. This means that you weigh more heavily on the benefits of making certain choices that will affect your future. 

10. Loving yourself can help you achieve the best emotional relationships with yourself and others.

When you spend time processing on your emotions, you are digging deep inside of yourself and getting to the core of being yourself. As you work to love and accept yourself and be honest you encourage others to love themselves. This will allow you to open up and connect with others on a deeper level, you will not be afraid to show the parts of yourself that are rough around the edges and see the same in others. 

  • Love yourself and make yourself a priority.
  • Give yourself time and work on yourself
  • Learn to say NO and do not hesitate to ask for your own space
  •  Pamper yourself with the luxuries you have been longing to give to yourself.
  •  Stick to your opinions and follow only what your heart says.
  •  Forgive yourself for all the things that you think you have done wrong to yourself.
  •  Trust your decisions and stop doubting yourself and your capabilities.
  • Once you start loving yourself, you will start seeing love and respect flowing in from all directions. Love yourself and live life happily.

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