green flags
green flags


  • Value the person who apologizes first without being prompted to do it.
  • When a person is quick to give credit and slow to pace blame. It is a great sign that such people will celebrate other people, but will also be kind when something bad happens.
  • People who do not pretend to know more and have curiosity about learning and growing.
  • When someone does not make you feel guilty for sometimes wanting to do things by yourself.
  • Friends who understand that honesty need not be delivered brutally to be effective.
  • People who have gentle hearts and enthusiastic humbleness.
  • People who are good listeners and understand you in your difficult time.
  • A person who does their work quietly.
  • Someone who teaches you something new.
  • A person who does not hesitate to compliment you.
  • Someone who cracks jokes without being mean. (Jealously comes in jokes)
  • A loyal and grateful friend.
  • Someone whose vibe feels safe and makes you feel you are not alone in this.
  • A person who can keep your secret and respect your boundaries.
  • Someone who at least makes an effort to see you smile (be it friendship or relationship)
  • A person who talks to kids with respect, and curiosity, and who tries to solve their problems even if they are silly.
  • A friend who makes you realize that you messed up in a situation without insulting you in public.
  • A boss or a superior who treats you as their pal.
  • A colleague always offers you a helping hand or at least co-operates and is understanding.
  • Parents who do not pressure you to be perfect and who make an effort to know you without being judgmental.
  • A person who stops you from giving up when you fail.
  • A friend who does not backstab you for their benefit.
  • Someone was willing to apologize before they were caught red-handed. Because if you never got to know about their mistake, they would never apologize.
  • Friends who share about their life events without you asking them about it.


It is not necessary that you must look at the red and green flags just in relationships. Sometimes they may also be important in friendships and daily life so that you recognize the toxic one.


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