As I always say do not give up on your dreams and keep working hard to achieve your goals. If you feel like giving up, then you just need a break. If a plan is not working, change your plan, change your perspective, not the goal. But there are a few things in life you should give up to be successful, happy, and satisfied. Sometimes the barrier between you and your goals is nothing but you. Our unhealthy habits, fixed mindset, false ways of approaching things might be the reasons we do not achieve our goals or give up in the middle of something.

Here are a few things you must give up on:


Procrastination is considered a bad habit but obviously, we know that we all are pro at it. Making excuses and delaying is easy but digesting that we did not achieve our goal is very difficult. So, think about the consequences of procrastinating and better be safe than sorry. And also, if you feel like procrastinating, set a time for that in your schedule.


Overthinking is bad for your mental health and it also decreases your productivity. We all have anxiety when we think about what is going to happen next is a mere waste of time. Overthinking itself leads to procrastination. Instead of sitting back and overthinking about what if you fail, you can try something new. CONFRONT EVERY SITUATION, CONFRONT YOUR FEARS. Make a plan and take action. At least you will not regret later not trying. Because not trying is worse than giving up. And as I am saying this, I am encouraging you to go ahead for a good purpose and something that will not harm anyone.


We all have regrets in life. 

Many of us tend to regret bad decisions we have taken in the past, had toxic friends, and have failures. Sometimes we all feel like going back and thinking only if I had a time machine, I would go back and fix everything. Past experiences make us make the right decisions. We must learn something from the past and move on. Overthinking about the past will not fetch you any good in life.


Yes! You read it right. People! Give up on some people. We all like making new friends. But we fail to recognize who is a good friend and who is the bad one. There will be people who are toxic for you. Some people have a narcissistic tendency and they will try their best to control and manipulate you in every way possible. They will try to bring you down and it is your right and your job to rise above the ashes and show them who you are by achieving your goals and succeeding. STOP THINKING ABOUT WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY?


Give up your need to be liked. And have the courage to be disliked and to face criticism. Not being yourself and trying to be someone you are not just to impress others is a waste of time and energy. By trying to be someone you are not you are cheating yourself and not being true to yourself. Just be yourself and love yourself for who you are no matter what.


Comparison is the thief of happiness and satisfaction. God has made everyone uniquely. When you compare yourself to others, you may not think that you are comparing your first chapter to their tenth chapter. This will make you feel insecure. Some people get envious and also start hating others for their success. Just be grateful for where you are and what you have if you want to be happy and satisfied in life. This will attract abundance in life.


Nothing or no one will be perfect no matter what. Trying your best to achieve something is good but obsessive-compulsive need to be perfect will make you feel unsatisfied and it will exhaust you. Perfectionism is an illusion. Give up the need to control everything.


Learn to say NO when you are caught up with your work or when you feel that you are being burdened by tasks given by other people. Do not beat yourself up for not completing tasks. Self-care is also very important.


Many people browse through social networking sites impulsively when stressed or tense. Addiction to social media is an escape for many of us. But watching people’s stories and comparing our life with their lives will not help. It is a waste of time and a way of procrastination. Seek inspiration through social media and have a schedule for using social networking sites.


Multitasking is a kind of distraction. And can sometimes confuse us. Setting up a task that is the most important and being mindful of achieving it helps. Dividing tasks into smaller tasks to get closer to a big goal is a good idea. Mindfulness is the key.


Easy roads and shortcuts are a way to short-term success. Working hard is important in building your life on a strong foundation. The path of success was never an easy. You cannot get success overnight.

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