
Dental school life experience is an amazing part of my life. When I decided that I am going to join the dental school, people in my family thought that I did not get admission in Medical school and they pitied me. LOL. Little did they know that I chose dentistry by myself. It is an Art of functioning and aesthetics of the oral cavity as well as facial appearance. 

There is a typical thinking pattern, a fixed mindset in some families, that going to medical school is a great thing but joining a dental school is the last option or maybe we get there after being rejected in medical school. LOL. NO. I love being a part of dentistry. 

The best part was when I entered college on the orientation day. My college is 18 miles away from home on the outskirts. It had an amazing view and beautiful greenery around it. Me being a nature lover fell in love with the fresh air and calming effect it gave to my eyes and my soul. Now let’s talk about dentistry. 

Dental School Life

Who says that dentistry is easy? One has to study Dental subjects, Medical subjects with practical as well as Laboratory work in Dentistry. Then when we are in Medical school we have to face criticism, just because we are dental students and just because medical professors think that we are not as perfect as them. 

We also face a lot of criticism from our own professors. When they are angry sometimes they say, you just chose dentistry because you did not get admission in medical school. But to be honest, all these taunts, criticism, discouragement and negative comments never effected me. I think have gone through many things in past. And whenever I face negative situations, I think, this too shall pass and I will not anything overpower me and my passion. 

I made a lot of friends and some of them have been loyal. I have met people who only use you for some time, some people who only like to gossip, some people who gossip with you also gossip behind your back about you. Sometimes you are stuck between two best friends and sometimes you are alone.

Some people tell me that I am a good company. I was surprised to know someone recently told me that I had a good sense of humour. And last but not the least I am blessed to also have amazing best friends, who no matter what makes me chill when I am angry.


Dental school life: I would love to share about every year of dentistry I experienced. Back then, I was really passionate, excited, nervous about becoming a dentist. And today, it is my life, my profession, my work. I am grateful to God for giving me this life and guiding me towards this path where I am much grateful to serve humans and also master this fantastic art of aesthetics. 

So, have you got a sunshine smile? 

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